Reflection on using AI


🚀 Embracing the Digital Wave in Education: A Personal Reflection 🚀

As I reflect on my journey in integrating technology, including AI, into my teaching practice, I am awestruck by the transformative power it brings to the realm of education. According to Manke-Cassidy (2023), education will have the greatest impact in the medium and long term due to AI. AI tools have the capability to streamline various tasks related to education, including the creation of lesson plans, assessment tools, presentations, seating charts, and letters to students' families for back-to-school nights (Ross-Kleinmann, 2023). 

I use several technological tools such as Quillbot, Google Scholar, Google Docs, Powerpoint Slides, Outlook, Telegram, LinkedIn, etc for my professional, educational, and personal life. However, I did not imagine that various other tools could help me to make my life easier. From the Innovative learning and teaching module which I took as an optional module, I started to learn and implement new and interactive learning management systems like Moodle, Canvas, Google Classroom, and online platforms like Padlet, Quizlet, Wordwall, Screenpall, Slidesai etc. These platforms allow me to create and manage courses, share resources, organize my classes interactively, and engage students.

Following are my insights that occurred while using AI tools and platforms:

Personalization: “It can be overwhelmingly difficult for one teacher to figure out how to meet the needs of every student in his/her classroom. … AI systems easily adapt to each student’s individual learning needs and can target instruction based on their strengths and weaknesses.”

Tutoring: AI systems can “gauge a student’s learning style and pre-existing knowledge to deliver customized support and instruction.”

Grading: Sure, AI can help grade exams using an answer key; but it can also “compile data about how students performed and even grade more abstract assessments such as essays.”

Feedback on course quality: For example, if many students are answering a question incorrectly, “AI can zero in on the specific information or concepts that students are missing, so educators can deliver targeted improvements in materials and methods.”

Meaningful and immediate feedback to students: Some students may be shy about taking risks or receiving critical feedback in the classroom, but “with AI, students can feel comfortable to make the mistakes necessary for learning and receive the feedback they need for improvement.”

Much of the potential envisioned for AI in education centers on reducing time spent by teachers on tedious tasks to free up time for more meaningful ones.

Moreover, AI helps to increase learner's autonomy by giving them a choice. According to Smith (2007), the idea that students have the ability and the right to learn independently increases their academic performance. 

How have technology and AI influenced your teaching or learning experience? Let's embark on this conversation and explore the boundless horizons of digital education together! 🌟

You can find more information about my role in the digital world (visitor or resident) with the help of the DIGITAL MAPPING page. 


Manke-Cassidy, R. (2023). AI and connectivity: Pillars of the new education revolution. eSchool News. Available from [Accessed 13 December 2023].

Ross-Kleinmann, J. (2023). In 2024, education will move to adopt AI—but slowly. eSchool News. Available from [Accessed 12 December 2023].

Smith, R. (2007). Learner autonomy. ELT Journal, 62 (4), 395–397. Available from [Accessed 10 December 2023].


  1. Outstanding ideas about AI.
    As a digital visitor what kind of tools do you usually use ?

  2. Hello Robiya. You can find more information on Digital mapping page. I wrote whether I am digital visitor or resident. Thank you
